Our Drama Midterm Assignment
“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry” Cassandra Clare, clockwork Angel. This quote remarks the significance of reading literature and how literature can bridge the gaps between cultures in addition to influencing people. While talking about literature, the first name that comes to minds is William Shakespeare. He was a brilliant poet, actor and playwright who was also known as the “Bard of Avon” and often called England’s national poet. As a playwright, Shakespeare believed that literature and history are entwined with each other. Hence, he tried to write his plays as much as possible relevant to audience’s lives to learn from their past. He thought that without literature people wouldn’t know about their past, so he decided to make history a main theme in most of his 37 plays. It is important to read these plays to understand the sophisticated human nature. One of the most historical magnificent plays written by him, is Julius Caesar. It is the play which tackles Roman politics. It was normal for Shakespeare to mention the most famous figure Julius Caesar as the Elizabethans were interested in learning the Greek and Roman histories. This play was written in 1599 and is believed to be the first paly performed at Globe theatre, in which Shakespeare was investor. The play was originally written in Greek then translated into Latin then to the French language. The play revolves around the assassination of Julius Caesar and the consequences of the people involved. Rome at that time was a republic, ruled by consuls who were elected by the people. The senate advised the consuls. Tribunes was elected from the citizenry to protect the right of commoners and keep an eye on the senate, then the whole system weakened, and three roman leaders form a triumvirate to rule Rome. These leaders were Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar. Crassus was killed while fighting the Parthians in 53bc. Then a civil war between Pompey and Caesar took place. Caesar won the war and then achieved victory over Pompey’s sons. The main plot begins with Brutus agreeing on killing his closest friend for the sake of Rome. This essay aims at proving that Brutus and Cassius are the tragic heroes via illustrating Caesar’s longing for being a tyrant, Brutus’ Patriotism and straightforwardness, and the honor of Brutus and Cassius.
Shakespeare’s putting the name of Caesar on the title of his play gives an indication of how important and influential this character. The ancient Romans were so much into the physical power. Hence, being physically weak, Julius Caesar was not the right ruler for Rome. It is quite apparent that Caesar is not capable of enduring physical hardships; he “did shake” because of some fever. He asks for some drink “as a sick girl” which illustrates how a weak man Caesar was. Another example of Caesar’s physical inability is when he faints at the crowd’s roaring; it is for them like seeing their “god” trembling. One should know that Romans were interested in sports to maintain a good health and they consider such a disease -epilepsy- as a mark of weakness. Moreover, Caesar was not the best choice for Rome because he is easy to be persuaded. At the day of his assassination, he -under the advice of his wife, Calpurnia- decides not to go to the senate because she has dreamt a dreadful dream earlier that night. However, it took Decius only few minutes to convince him that “This dream is all a miss interpreted”. Thus, this Caesar can rule an entire country as he cannot make a simple decision without seeking advice from his wife. Worthy to mention, women were second-classed at that time and attending the senate was of utmost importance for the Roman politics. Considering these facts, it is illogical to trust such Caesar to rule the most powerful empire at that time.
Furthermore, Brutus has shown a great deal of patriotism and straightforwardness throughout the entire play. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more” proves Brutus’ benign intentions in killing Caesar. He cares most about Rome’s welfare rather that his friendship with Caesar. It is believed that Caesar had been transformed into a tyrant if Brutus had not got rid of him. Clearly, Caesar wanted to be coronated as a king as he “put it [the crown] by thrice, every time gentler than other”. Thus, he has had eyes for it and accordingly he would have acted like a dictator hereafter. Also, Brutus has been always straightforward; he has manipulated no one throughout the entire play. Even in his funeral speech, Brutus admits before the Roman people that he slew Caesar only “for his ambition”. He appeals to reason and uses no manipulative way to gain the mobs’ support. On the other hand, “the success of Antony’s funeral oration marks the collapse of any pervasive ideal of rational, self-controlled human authority in Shakespeare”. Brutus is an honorable man; a fact that is uttered even by his bitterest foe and Caesar’s most loyal friend, Antony:
“He was the noblest Roman of them all.
All the conspirators save only he
Did that they did in envy of great Caesar;
He only, in general honest thought
And common good to all, made one of them.”
To sum up, Brutus has been portrayed as a patriotic straightforward character who does not know the paths of manipulation, hypocrisy and deception.
In addition, Shakespeare has highlighted Brutus’ and Cassius’ honor in several scenes and situations to the extent that one may consider him [Brutus] perfectionist. In one of the most remarkable contrasts in the play, Antony and Octavius discuss “How to cut off some charge in legacies.” While Brutus announces:
“I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon
Than such a Roman.”
This reveals the great difference between the manipulative dishonorable Antony and the cordial honorable Brutus. One may say that politics is a dirty game and it is the wat wars are won, but surprisingly it is the same argument that supports Brutus. He is so caring for the down-trodden people that he does not want to deprive them from their right even though the one who has told them about this right is willing to do so. Also, Brutus’ honor and kindness are clear in his treatment to his soldiers, especially when he orders them to rest. Shakespeare, in this scene, reveals another aspect of Brutus’ character: the real emotional aspect in contrast with Antony’s pretentious emotional aspect which is collapsed by revealing the way he regards his men, especially Lepidus. Moreover, although many critiques have undermined the character of Cassius, he must be considered an honorable senator. He is not a hypocrite who shows love to Caesar; he simply treats him with a cold respect that makes him not a defendant of hypocrisy. Even his wittiness is proven via Caesar’s words: “He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.”. Again, this proves that Caesar has had genes of tyranny as he is happy with his men thinking and analyzing facts. Finally, both Brutus and Cassius commit suicide because they cannot bear being killed by the traitors’ swords; they preferred to die honorably rather than being defamed before all Rome. Worthy to mention, committing suicide was a sign of courage at that time. Hence, it is apparent that Brutus and Cassius are portrayed as honorable characters who show courage and valor.
In conclusion, Brutus and Cassius are the tragic heroes while Caesar and Antony are the villains. Taking into consideration all the facts which prove Caesar is a reckless tyrant who does not make a good ruler of Rome. Also, Brutus’ innocent intentions are highlighted in contrast with Antony’s specious intentions and manners. No one can conclude their analysis of a Shakespearean play without referring to the language used. It is an elevated dramatic language which suits the settings of the play: Rome at the age of the Roman Empire; it is also clear that Shakespeare’s sublime images where animals, birds, rivers, and even Roman gods are brilliantly used.
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